Beautiful Quotes: ‘Silence’ by Shūsaku Endō

This novel by the phenominal Japanese writer, Shūsaku Endō, is by far one of the greatest books I have come across.

Inscribed on the pages of the book is a thought-provoking fictional journey of a Jesuit missionary sent to Japan during the time of Christian persecution. As the reader journeys with the missionary, both the character’s and the reader’s perspectives on Christ, and Judas the betrayer, transforms.

Let me share with you one of my favourite quotes from the Endo’s breathtaking novel. Most of my favourite lines from the book can’t be shared without giving spoilers, thus this is the best quote I could portion without giving too much away.


“Christ did not die for the good and beautiful. It is easy enough to die for the good and beautiful; the hard thing is to die for the miserable and corrupt.”

-Shusaku Endo

The novel is currently in the process of being translated onto the big screen, with Martin Scorsese as its director. And, Andrew Garfield is set to play a role in the film, among many other talented artists. Scorsese’s film is set to be released in the latter part of the year. I do recommend reading Endo’s original work before it hits the cinemas.

View ‘Silence’ on Goodreads:

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